Litigation services in Azerbaijan

9 October 2023by

Litigation Services in Azerbaijan: Your Legal Partner

When it comes to legal matters in Azerbaijan, our specialized attorneys are your go-to professionals for comprehensive litigation services. We specialize in handling both criminal and civil cases, ensuring the protection and recovery of your rights. Whether you’re dealing with disputes in local courts or navigating the complexities of international arbitration, our team at ACON is here to guide you. We’re also experts in debt collection, making sure you recover what’s rightfully yours in Azerbaijan.

Our Services

At ACON, we offer a wide range of attorney services in Azerbaijan, with a focus on commercial litigation services. Our dedicated team of lawyers is committed to representing our clients effectively before business partners, state authorities, and national courts. We cover all procedural phases, including mediation services, arbitration, and court representation.

Our skilled litigation attorneys stand out due to their deep knowledge of the local business scene. This allows us to use the best methods for fast debt collection and recovering overdue payments. We protect your financial interests with great care and precision.

An Overview of Azerbaijan’s Judicial System

Azerbaijan’s judicial system boasts a three-tier structure, incorporating specialized courts to handle various legal matters. The first-tier general courts preside over civil and criminal cases of all magnitudes, with 86 city-district courts currently operational.

Appeal courts, totaling five, review appeals from first-instance courts on legal grounds without delving into the minutiae of evidence. The Supreme Court functions as the court of cassation, addressing cassation appeals from the appeal courts. For cases involving constitutional rights violations and law interpretation, the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan is the ultimate authority.

Azerbaijan’s commitment to the Council of Europe allows for applications to the European Court of Human Rights within six months of Supreme Court decisions, provided they involve breaches of the European Convention of Human Rights. Additionally, administrative courts and newly established commercial courts, focusing on commercial and tax-related disputes, operate alongside the general judiciary. The military court system is a distinct entity within Azerbaijan’s judicial framework.

Legal Services: What We Offer

At ACON, our dedicated Azerbaijani attorneys and advocates offer services, including:

  • Dispute Resolution: We represent clients in disputes with local and foreign business partners.
  • Debt Recovery: We handle communication and correspondence regarding unpaid debts, creating tailored recovery plans and payment terms.
  • Legal Documentation: Our team formulates procedural documents such as the plaintiff’s complaints and the defendant’s objections.
  • Court Representation: We attend hearings at all levels of local courts, presenting allegations and oral arguments.
  • Recognition and Enforcement: We assist in recognizing and enforcing foreign court judgments and arbitration awards.

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decisions and Arbitration Awards

Azerbaijan has signed approximately 20 treaties related to mutual legal assistance, simplifying the recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions, particularly with countries like Russia, Turkey, and others. For countries without existing treaties, a case-by-case approach is taken, often requiring approval by the Supreme Court.

As a member of the New York Convention for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Azerbaijani courts readily recognize these awards, provided they align with Azerbaijani laws.

Debt Collection Services

Debt Collection Services in Azerbaijan for Foreign Entities

At ACON Consulting, we offer specialized debt collection services for foreign entities needing to recover debts from local Azerbaijani businesses. We handle various types of contractual disputes, such as:

  • Debts
  • Loans
  • Franchising issues
  • Import term violations
  • Service-related debts

In complex cases, we’re equipped to take legal action, including initiating insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings and pursuing compensation for damages.

In Conclusion

When it comes to legal matters in Azerbaijan, ACON is your trusted partner. Our seasoned attorneys and advocates are dedicated to safeguarding your rights, resolving disputes, and ensuring debt recovery. With our in-depth knowledge of the local business landscape and extensive experience, we provide tailored solutions to your legal challenges. Contact us today to embark on a successful legal journey in Azerbaijan with the best legal services and law firm by your side.

Reach out or visit our office to access ACON's exceptional services for your needs
AZ1025, Azure Business Centre, Ofis 165B, Baku, Azerbaijan
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