Start a business in Azerbaijan

11 December 2023by

Azerbaijan has increasingly become a focal point for foreign investors and entrepreneurs, especially over the past decade. This blog will focus on key business development indicators, the process of starting a business, and exploring business opportunities in Azerbaijan.

For any consulting and legal services required to establish your business in Azerbaijan, ACON Consulting is here to assist you.

Why Start a Business in Azerbaijan?

Ease of Starting a Business

According to the 2020 Doing Business Report, Azerbaijan ranks 9th globally for ease of starting a business. The simplicity of legal procedures and minimal bureaucratic requirements are key factors attracting foreign entrepreneurs to Azerbaijan. However, ease of starting a business should not be the only consideration. A well-researched business plan is crucial for success.

Business Idea, Market Research, and Planning

Importance of a Solid Business Idea

A viable business idea is as critical as investment funds. Successful entrepreneurs often start with minimal investments but have well-thought-out business ideas. Before starting a business in Azerbaijan, ensure your idea is practical and tailored to the local market.

Conducting Market Research

Thorough market research helps you understand local market characteristics, identify opportunities, and set clear goals. It also aids in developing effective strategies for financial management and marketing, reducing risks by preemptively addressing potential issues.

Legal Requirements and Regulations

Navigating Bureaucratic Simplicity

Starting a business in Azerbaijan involves minimal bureaucratic hurdles. Registering your company is generally sufficient for most business activities. However, specific sectors may require additional licenses or permits. Consulting with legal professionals, particularly those knowledgeable about local regulations, is advisable.

Practical Steps to Start a Business in Azerbaijan

Step 1: Register Your Business

Company vs. Individual Entrepreneur

You can register as a company or an Individual Entrepreneur. Company registration involves collecting necessary documents, filling out application forms, and paying fees. The State Tax Service usually completes the registration within three working days. For Individual Entrepreneurs, obtaining a TAX ID requires a temporary or permanent residence permit and takes one working day.

Step 2: Open Bank Accounts and Obtain a Digital Signature (ASAN IMZA)

Opening bank accounts typically takes two to three working days, while obtaining a Digital Signature (ASAN IMZA) takes one working day. This digital signature is crucial for performing online operations on behalf of your company.

Step 3: Lease Commercial Space (If Required)

Depending on your business type, leasing a commercial space might be necessary. If not, you can skip this step.

Step 4: Obtain a POS Terminal and Cash Register (If Required)

Some business activities may require a POS terminal and cash register. Ensure you fulfill these requirements if applicable.

Step 5: Obtain Necessary Licenses or Permits

Most business activities only require registration, but specific sectors may need additional licenses or permits. These formal certificates grant legal rights to engage in certain business activities.

Step 6: Begin Your Business Activities

Once all the necessary steps are completed, you can start operating your business in Azerbaijan.

Ongoing Legal and Consulting Services

Importance of Regular Legal Consultation

Throughout your business operations, you will engage in various corporate legal relationships. Regular legal consultations are crucial to ensure your activities are legally organized and to minimize legal risks.


We hope this guide provides valuable insights for starting a business in Azerbaijan. For expert business consulting and legal services, ACON Consulting is your trusted partner. Contact us for tailored support in establishing your business in Azerbaijan.

Reach out or visit our office to access ACON's exceptional services for your needs.

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