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Company Registration in Azerbaijan

Company registration in Azerbaijan is the process of obtaining official state registration for businesses planning to engage in commercial activity within the country. Company registration is the first stage for starting business activities in Azerbaijan. Of course, individuals have the legal right to start entrepreneurship without the creation of a legal entity. However, usually, local and foreign individuals and entities prefer company registration to conduct business activities in Azerbaijan. Let’s also note that, as in most countries, the most preferred organizational and legal form for the company in Azerbaijan is the Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Business Registration in Azerbaijan: Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs

What is Business Registration?

Business registration is the official state process of registering a business entity or an individual intending to engage in commercial activities in Azerbaijan. This is a mandatory first step to lawfully operate a business in the country. Businesses in Azerbaijan can be registered in two primary forms:

  • Legal Entity: This includes companies or branches of companies.
  • Individual Entrepreneur: This applies to individuals engaging in business activities on their own.

Foreigners have the same rights and requirements as Azerbaijani citizens when registering their businesses.

Types of Legal Entities

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be established by one or more individuals or legal entities. The founders’ liabilities are limited to the extent of their shares in the Charter capital. Notably, there is no minimum Charter Capital requirement for LLC registration in Azerbaijan. Entrepreneurs can register an LLC as a Sole Proprietorship or a Partnership.

Joint Stock Company (JSC)

A Joint Stock Company (JSC) is typically chosen for larger business entities. Azerbaijani law defines two types of JSCs:

  • Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC)
  • Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC)

Required Documents for Company Registration

To register a company in Azerbaijan, the following documents are necessary:

  1. Application form
  2. Company Charter
  3. Decision on establishing the company and appointing the CEO
  4. Copies of documents confirming the identity of the founders and the CEO
  5. Power of attorney (if applying through a legal representative)
  6. Receipt confirming payment of the state fee and the Charter capital

Subsidiary Company Registration

A subsidiary in Azerbaijan is considered an independent company and follows the same registration requirements as other company forms. Foreign companies must legalize certain documents according to international standards when registering a subsidiary.

Required Documents for Subsidiary Registration

  • Application form
  • Documents confirming the state registration of the founding company (duly legalized)
  • Information about the founders of the founding company
  • Copies of documents confirming the identity of the head of the founding company
  • The Charter of the Subsidiary Company
  • Decision on the establishment of the Subsidiary Company and appointment of its head or legal representative
  • Document confirming the identity of the head or legal representative
  • Document confirming the payment of the state fee
  • Document confirming the deposit of the Share Capital
  • Duly Legalized Power of Attorney (if applying through a legal representative)

Steps to Register a Company in Azerbaijan

Step 1: Determine the legal structure for the company you wish to register

Choose the legal form of your company: LLC or JSC. You may also consider registering a branch or subsidiary.

Step 2: Gather and Organize Documents for Company formation in Azerbaijan

Gather the necessary documents and pay the associated fees. Note that all registration forms are available in Azerbaijani.

Step 3: Deposit the Charter Capital

Deposit the required Charter capital. For an LLC, there is no minimum requirement, while a JSC requires a minimum of AZN 2000 (about USD 1200).

Step 4: Submit documents for company registration and receive the registration documents

Submit your application to the State Tax Service. The registration process typically takes 2-3 working days. Upon completion, you will receive a Tax Identification Number, Registration Certificate, and Company Charter.

Step 5: Obtain Necessary Licenses or Permits

Certain businesses may require additional licenses or permits to operate legally in Azerbaijan.

Individual Entrepreneur Registration

Individual Entrepreneur Registration allows individuals to start business activities without forming a company. This is a common choice for small entrepreneurs, but it is also an option for larger enterprises. Only Azerbaijani citizens and resident foreigners can register as Individual Entrepreneurs.

Legal Services for Registering a Business in Azerbaijan

For assistance with company or subsidiary registration in Azerbaijan, or for consulting services to start a business, contact ACON Consulting. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support and are here to welcome you as a valued client.


Registering a business in Azerbaijan involves understanding the legal forms and requirements. Whether you are a foreign investor or a local entrepreneur, ACON Consulting is here to guide you through the process, ensuring your business is set up smoothly and efficiently. Contact us today to start your journey in Azerbaijan’s vibrant business landscape.

NOTE: If you’re looking to register a branch or representative office in Azerbaijan, visit our comprehensive “Branch Registration in Azerbaijan” blog page for detailed and useful information.

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