Work Permit in Azerbaijan

4 December 2023by

Are you a foreign national looking to obtain a work permit in Azerbaijan?, ACON Law Firm not only makes easy the process of getting permission but also ensures accessibility every step of the way. Facilitating work permit applications is a important service provided by ACON. Whether you’re navigating the initial application or seeking guidance on renewal, our firm is committed to making the process straightforward and efficient for you. With our expertise in Azerbaijani immigration laws, we strive to alleviate complexities, allowing you to focus on your professional endeavors in Azerbaijan without unnecessary stress. Let ACON Law Firm be your trusted partner in achieving your career goals in Azerbaijan.

Understanding Work Opportunities for Foreigners in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, foreigners can work through juridical persons, entrepreneurs, and foreign branches. Key conditions include job vacancies unavailable to local citizens and the inability of employment services to meet local manpower needs.

How ACON Law Firm Can Help

If you find a job in Azerbaijan, ACON Law Firm will handle the rest of the process. Our professional team will manage all documentation and legalization.

Legal Terms

Juridical Persons

Juridical persons refer to legal entities separate from their owners or members, such as corporations, companies, or organizations. Foreigners can work in Azerbaijan through these entities by obtaining the necessary permits.


An entrepreneur is an individual who establishes and operates a business, taking on financial risks for profit. Foreigners can work in Azerbaijan as entrepreneurs by following the legal procedures.

Foreign Branches

A foreign branch is an extension of a company operating in a country other than its origin. Foreign companies may establish branches in Azerbaijan, and foreigners can work through these branches by being employed directly by the foreign company or its Azerbaijani branch.

Obtaining a Work Permit in Azerbaijan

Foreigners or stateless persons who have reached the age of 18 must obtain a work permit to work in Azerbaijan. The most important condition for obtaining a work permit is your official employment in Azerbaijan. For example, if you receive a job offer from any enterprise operating in Azerbaijan, the employer can apply for a work permit for you.

After applying for a work permit, the permits are ready in 10, 15, or 20 working days, depending on your choice. The duration of the work permit is one year, and an extension can be applied for at least 30 days before the end of the year. The number of extensions is not limited. When you apply for a work permit, you also apply for a residence permit in parallel.

Even if you are not in the country, it is possible to apply for a work permit. If you get a positive answer, you can come to the country and then apply for a temporary residence permit.

Key Point to Consider

The most sensitive point of obtaining a work permit is related to the specialty you have chosen and where you will work. If there are enough local citizens in Azerbaijan who can fulfill the position you will be working for, then your chances of being elected decrease. The most important thing to increase the chances of being selected is the correct drafting of the reference justifying the need to hire the employee. If this reference is not prepared correctly and if your employment is not well justified, you may receive a rejection even if all other documents are in order.

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Work Permit

work permit in azerbaijan

Step 1: Find Sponsorship

Find an employer in Azerbaijan who is willing to hire you. The employer will be responsible for initiating the process on your behalf.

Step 2: Check Eligibility

Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria set by the Azerbaijani government for obtaining a work permit. This may include relevant qualifications and meeting any specific requirements for your occupation.

Step 3: Documentation Preparation

Collect all necessary documents required for the application process. This typically includes your passport, visa, educational certificates, employment contract, and any other relevant paperwork.

Step 4: Employer Application

Your employer must submit an application for a work permit to the Republic of Azerbaijan State Migration Service. This application should include details about the job position, your qualifications, and the duration of employment.

Step 5: Wait for Approval

Once the application is submitted, it will undergo review by the relevant authorities. The processing time can vary, but you should be prepared for some waiting period.

Step 6: Medical Check (if required)

Depending on the type of work permit, you may need to undergo a medical examination to ensure you meet health requirements.

Step 7: Payment of Fees

There are typically fees associated with obtaining a work permit. Ensure that all necessary fees are paid according to the instructions provided by the authorities.

Step 8: Receive Work Permit

If your application is approved, you will receive a work permit from the State Migration Service. This permit will specify the duration of your authorized employment in the country. Once you have received your work permit and any other necessary permits, you can begin working for your employer in Azerbaijan within the terms specified in your employment contract and work permit.

Exemptions from Work Permits

According to the Migration Code, individuals mentioned below are exempt from work permits:

  • Permanent residents
  • Diplomats
  • Specific professionals invited for short-term assignments
  • Individuals married to Azerbaijani citizens
  • Refugees
  • Victims of human trafficking

Required Documents for a Work Permit in Azerbaijan

To apply for a work permit in Azerbaijan, you will typically need the following documents:

      • Passport 
      • Visa 
      • Work Permit Application Form 
      • Passport-sized photoes Application Form
      • Notarized and apostilled copies of your educational certificates or diplomas relevant to your job
      • NA health certificate issued by an authorized medical institution indicating you are fit to work
      • Proof of Accommodation
      • Employer’s Documents

ACON Law Firm’s Expertise

For a number of enterprises with which our company cooperates, we regularly obtain work permits or extend the period of permits obtained in previous years. Based on our experience, we can get successful results because we know the points to pay attention to in this process. If you also want the process of obtaining work permits to be carried out as quickly as possible, you can contact us.

Before foreigners start working, employers must obtain a work permit from relevant authorities according to the Migration Code. This ensures compliance with labor laws and a valid labor contract.


ACON Law Firm simplifies the process of obtaining a work permit in Azerbaijan for foreigners. For professional and experienced assistance, contact ACON Law Firm today.

Read More:

  1. Branch Registration in Azerbaijan –
  2. Company Registration in Azerbaijan –
  3. Start a Business in Azerbaijan– 
  4. Trademak Registration in Azerbaijan –
  5. Opening a Bank Account in Azerbaijan –

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